Leigh McGaghey [B.L. Arch, Grad Dip Education for Sustainability, Cert IV Leisure & Health]
Leigh McGaghey provides consultancy services through her business, Wired for Nature, which combines her skills as a landscape architect and environmental educator with those of her partner, psychologist Phillip Hartin. With a particular interest in the neuroscience of nature connection [why we are ‘hard-wired’ through our senses to flourish in nature], they provide social and therapeutic horticulture programs and education, for community groups and organisations, together with behaviour engagement programs for wellbeing through their voluntary work with at-risk groups.
Leigh lives in Sydney, NSW and is a full member of Therapeutic Horticulture Australia, the Australian Recreational Therapy Association and is President at Therapeutic Horticulture Australia. As a frequent presenter at conferences, as a writer, and as a guest speaker at charity events, Leigh is committed to bringing the benefits of nature connection, especially through gardening, to all.
Guest therapeutic horticulture/horticultural therapy practitioners will also be contributing to the workshop.